Where can i download c programming language? ? c language download

A fast và lightweight IDE for C/C++

C-Free is a free IDE software for PC developed by Program Arts Software. It is a fast & lightweight Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that can be used with C and C++ programming languages. With it, developers can build, edit, run, and debug their various programs with ease.

Bạn đang xem: Where can i download c programming language?

Similar to other IDEs for C++ like CLion and Code::Blocks, C-Free provides all the essential packages and tools to help coders develop software faster và easier. It can be used solely as a C & C++ editor or as a standalone programming environment depending on their needs.

What is C-Free?

C and C++ are general-purpose programming languages and are popular choices for the development of various programs. Software development is a process that entails multiple stages from coding khổng lồ debugging and, finally, deployment. Each stage requires its own set of tools and packages to push development forward. These circumstances brought about the rise of integrated development environments or IDE for short.

C-Free is one such IDE that can be used with C and C++ programming languages. It has most of the tools & features that programmers need for development, including syntax highlightingauto code completioncode search, and navigation on vị trí cao nhất of being a compiler. In addition, it has tư vấn for multiple compilers, such as Min
GW, Cygwin, & LCC.

Apart from its không tính phí version, C-Free is also available in a Pro version that offers more functionality và advanced features like a code parser and various debugging tools for your programs. Some things need some improvement, though, và chief among them is its user interface, which is a bit unintuitive and could use a redesign.

A fast and reliable IDE for C++ programming

In summary, if you are looking for a fast and reliable IDE for C và C++ programming, C-Free is an option worth considering. Its free version offers enough features most needs, and a Pro version is there if you need more. While its UI is not the most intuitive thing around, this program is just a practical & useful tool for what it offers. 

PROSFast and lightweight
Support for multiple compilers
Serves as a text editor and programming environment

App specs



Build modern C & C++ apps for Windows using tools of your choice, including MSVC, Clang, CMake, & MSBuild

Contains C/C++ components for desktop, mobile, Linux, và game development
Get a light & simplified installation

By downloading, you agree khổng lồ the licensing terms for the Visual Studio edition you select below. We also offer the ability to download software with Visual Studio. This software is licensed separately, as phối out in the 3rd các buổi party Notices or in its accompanying license. By downloading, you also agree khổng lồ those licenses.

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Windows Development

The best way lớn target Windows

Design and build classic Windows desktop programs or Universal Windows apps targeting Holo
Lens, Surface Hub, PC, và Xbox with the khosoft.com Visual C++ toolset & the Visual Studio 2022.


Open a codebase from any environment và get khổng lồ work right away. Use MSBuild with the khosoft.com Visual C++ compiler or a 3rd buổi tiệc ngọt toolset like CMake with Clang or mingw to build và debug your code right in the IDE. Benefit from a first-class CMake experience.


Modern C++ Support

Build apps using C++11, C++14, và C++17

Enjoy tư vấn for C++11, C++14 and many C++17 features with market leading performance, build throughput và security. Write code using the nguồn of generic lambda expressions, resumable functions, decltype (auto), extended constexpr and C++ attributes, fold expressions, noexcept in type system, inline variables và other modern features.

Write Linux apps và debug them in real-time

Take advantage of powerful coding & debugging tools khổng lồ manage code targeting Linux built with GCC, Clang, or another compiler. Debug your Linux applications as they run remotely with GDB. Whether you are building Io
T apps or high-performance computing cloud services for Linux, Visual Studio will help you be productive.

Target Android và i
OS while staying productive

Leverage the nguồn of Visual Studio 2022 & the debugger lớn build high-performance apk and/or i
OS apps & games in C++, chia sẻ C++ libraries to target both mobile platforms & Windows, or write once và run across all thiết bị di động platforms with Xamarin and C++.

Join the many AAA đứng đầu game studios already using Visual Studio

Create high-performance games with Direct
X khổng lồ run on Windows devices, or build cross-platform games with a đứng top game engine, such as Unity, Unreal, and Cocos. Join the many wildly-successful trò chơi studios that already use Visual Studio to boost your productivity with Visual Studio 2022 and the world-class debugger.

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