Diet and nutrition when living with liver cancer, what to eat after bowel obstruction

Diet và nutrition when living with liver cancer

Liver cancer itself và cancer treatment place extra demands on your body. It is very important khổng lồ maintain good nutrition before, during và after cancer treatment. Treatments may involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy or a combination of these. These treatments can cause you to thua trận your appetite & energy, putting you at an increased risk for malnutrition.

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On this page:> The role of the liver and the digestive system> Tips on maintaining good nutrition during treatment> Diet & nutrition changes with liver cancer> Common treatment side effects that impact diet và nutrition> Recovering from surgery

Your food choices when you have cancer and are undergoing treatment may be very different from what you are used to lớn eating. The main goal is khổng lồ try to lớn keep your weight constant, maintain muscle strength, maintain a healthy weight, & have more energy, all of which help your toàn thân to heal properly, improve your unique of life and give you the energy lớn cope with all the new challenges treatment may bring.

The role of the liver và the digestive system

The liver is connected lớn the digestive system. The liver is essential for digesting food và ridding your body of toxic substances. The liver sits just under your ribs, on the right side of your abdomen và has two large sections, called the right & the left lobes. The liver secretes a fluid called bile that is stored in the gallbladder & is secreted when we eat food. Bile helps khổng lồ break down fats, preparing them for further digestion and absorption. Any disease or treatment targeting the liver can affect digestion.

Tips of good nutrition during treatment

Good nutrition can help to:

manage the side effects of treatmentspeed up recovery after treatmentheal wounds and rebuild damaged tissues after surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or other treatmentimprove your body’s immune system và ability lớn fight infections.

Overall, try lớn make food choices that provide you enough calories (to maintain your weight), protein (to help rebuild tissues that cancer treatment may harm), nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, & fluids (essential for your body’s functioning). Also, exercise can help with appetite và digestion issues related lớn treatment.

Good nutrition during treatment:

You may need more energy (kilojoules/calories).Eat small, frequent meals or snacks, rather than three large meals a day.Ask for a referral to lớn a dietitian – discuss eating issues, weight issues, muscle loss.Do some light physical activity, such as walking, to lớn improve appetite and mood, reduce fatigue, help digestion, and prevent constipation.Check with your doctor or dietitian before taking vi-ta-min or mineral supplements or making other changes to your diet.Relax dietary restrictions, e.g. Choose full-cream rather than low-fat milk.Consider using nutritional supplements if you cannot eat enough – discuss options with your doctor, palliative care specialist or dietitian.

Liver cancer diet & nutrition changes

Liver cancer and the associated treatments change how your toàn thân functions. Managing these changes is important for your nutritional health, your recovery, và to help you feel better in general. Treatments can affect people differently. You may have no side effects, some, or all of them, but there are plenty of things you can bởi vì to improve your general wellbeing. We will explain the side effects of cancer treatments and how to lớn manage them.

Liver cancer may impact:

your nutritional requirements và what you need khổng lồ eathow much you eatyour appetiteyour ability khổng lồ digest foodyour ability lớn maintain your weight and muscle massyour energy levels & general wellbeing.

Common treatment side effects that impact diet và nutrition

A common side effect of treatment is feeling extreme và constant tiredness (fatigue).

Fatigue can be caused by treatment side effects that reduce the number of red blood cells (anaemia).

Tips on fatigue:

Plan ahead for when you feel too tired to cook. Prepare food in advance và store in the freezer.Cook when you have more energy.Shop online for groceries.Ask & accept offers of help with shopping & cooking from family and friends.Do regular exercise to lớn help improve fatigue và appetite.Keep snacks handy, e.g. In your bag or car.Use services such as Meals on Wheels or other home delivery meal companies that bring pre-prepared food to you.Eat with others.

You may đại bại your appetite because of the effects of cancer itself, the treatment, or other side effects, such as feeling sick, not enjoying the smell of food, or feeling upset.

Tips on loss of appetite:

Eat small meals frequently, e.g. Every 2–3 hours. Keeping lớn a regular eating pattern rather than waiting until you are hungry will mean your body toàn thân gets the nourishment it needs to
Use a smaller plate – a big plate of food may put you off
Eat what you feel like, when you feel like it – have cereal for dinner or a main meal at lunch
Include a variety of foods in your diet
Sip fluids throughout the dayreplace water, tea & coffee with drinks or soups that địa chỉ energy (kilojoules/calories), such as milk, milkshake, smoothies, replacement drinks or soup.Relax dietary restrictions – maintaining your weight or regaining weight you have lost is more important than avoiding full-fat và other high-energy foods.Gentle physical activity can stimulate appetite – take a short walk around the block.Eat with others

Some treatments & their side effects can change the way some foods taste or smell. Chemotherapy can change the taste receptors in the mouth. Food may taste bitter or metallic, or may not have as much flavour as before. You may say things like “Food tastes like cardboard”, “Food tastes metallic”, or “I’ve gone off things I used to enjoy eating”. It is common to lớn have taste changes and it can take several months for taste changes lớn return to lớn normal.

If you have a sore mouth, mucositis, thrush, sore throat or swallowing difficulties, talk khổng lồ your doctor, speech pathologist, dentist or dietitian – some suggestions will not be suitable.

Tips on ways to cope with taste changes:

Add extra flavour to food if it tastes bland – lượt thích fresh herbs, lemon, lime, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, honey, chilli, or pepper
Experiment with different food, as your tastes may change
If meat tastes bad during treatment, replace it with other protein sources like cheese, eggs, nuts, dairy foods, baked beans, lentils, or chickpeas
Add small amounts of sugar khổng lồ food if it tastes bitter or salty
Use a straw when drinking
Change from using metal cutlery khổng lồ plastic or bamboo cutlery

Tips on ways to cope with changes in smell:

Eat cold food or food at room temperature (hot food smells more)Reheat pre-prepared meals in the microwave so the cooking smell doesn’t put you off
Stay out of the kitchen, if possible, when food is being prepared
Ask family or friends lớn cook
Use the exhaust fan, open the kitchen window or cook outside to help reduce cooking smells

Feeling sick & vomiting are often side effects of cancer, its treatment, or some medicines. They often occur together, but not always.


Is stomach discomfort & the sensation of wanting lớn vomit. Nausea can be a precursor lớn vomiting the contents of the stomach & may be caused by treatment, stress, food odours, gas in the gastrointestinal tract, motion sickness or even the thought of having treatment.

Tips on how lớn cope with nausea:

Have a light snack before treatment and wait a few hours before eating again.Eat small meals 5–6 times during the day. Going without food for long periods can make nausea worse.Snack on dry or bland foods, e.g. Crackers, toast, dry cereals, bread sticks or pretzels
Choose cold foods or foods at room temperature instead of hot, fried, greasy or spicy foods.Eat và drink slowly và chew your food well.Try foods with ginger, e.g. Ginger biscuits, or ginger beer.Avoid foods that are overly sweet, fatty, fried, spicy or oily, or that have strong smells.Brush teeth regularly lớn help reduce unpleasant tastes that may make you feel nauseated.Do not eat your favourite food when feeling nauseated lớn avoid developing a permanent dislike
Suck on hard lollies – flavoured with ginger, peppermint, or lemon.Try ginger food và drink items, such as candied ginger, ginger beer, ginger ale, or ginger tea. Talk to your dietitian doctor or pharmacist about ginger supplements.Take anti-nausea medicines as prescribed. Let the doctor know if the medicines don’t seem khổng lồ be working.


Is the forcible emptying (“throwing up”) of stomach contents through the mouth. Vomiting can follow nausea & may be caused by treatment, stress, food odours, gas in the gastrointestinal tract, motion sickness or even the thought of having treatment.

Vomiting is more serious than nausea. Vomiting can cause dehydration và increase the risk of malnutrition. See a doctor if you are vomiting for more than one day, especially if you cannot keep water down.

Tips on how to lớn cope with vomiting:

See your doctor if you can’t keep fluids down, or if vomiting lasts for more than 24 hours, as you may become dehydrated.Take small sips of water or clear liquids, such as ginger ale, soda water or sports drinks like Gatorade or Hydrolyte. Dilute sweet drinks. If you feel like a fizzy drink, mở cửa it, and let it sit for 10 minutes or so, & drink it when it’s a bit flat. Sucking on crushed ice cubes or an iceblock can be soothing.Once you are handling step 1 okay, try some different drinks, such as consommé & clear broths, weak tea, herbal tea, fruit drinks, beef & chicken stocks. Have small, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day.Introduce bland, starchy foods, such as plain biscuits, bread or toast with honey or jam, peanut butter, rice, yoghurt or fruit. Trying to attempt small, frequent servings.Consume a little bit more each time until you are eating a well-balanced diet

Some chemotherapy drugs and some pain medicines can make your mouth dry, cause mouth ulcers, or change the amount of saliva in your mouth. A dry mouth can increase the risk of tooth decay & infections such as oral thrush, which will make eating harder.

Tips to lesson discomfort with mouth sores:

suck on ice cubeseat soft foods – stews, soups, scrambled eggs & smoothiescold foods và fluids may be more comfortable than hotavoid ‘coarse’ foods that can irritate your mouth, such as crackers, toast, nuts và seedsavoid spicy or very hot foodsuse a straw and direct liquids away from the areas where mouth sores are most painful.Talk lớn your doctor about medication or mouth washes to help manage the pain and allow you lớn eat more comfortably.Ulcers may also be present in your digestive tract, causing discomfort in the stomach or bowel và diarrhoea

Tips to lớn relieve a dry mouth:

Suck on ice cubes
Keep your mouth clean with regular mouthwashes to lớn prevent infections
Gargle with 1⁄2 tsp salt or 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water
Choose an alcohol-free mouthwash to lớn avoid irritating your mouth further
Use a soft toothbrush when cleaning your teeth
Ask your dentist or health care team about suitable mouth rinses or oral lubricants
Limit alcohol & coffee as these are dehydrating fluids, & avoid smokingavoid ‘coarse’ foods that can irritate your mouth, such as crackers, toast, nuts và seedsavoid spicy or very hot foods
Soften food by dipping it into milk, soup, tea or coffeemoisten with sauce, gravy, cream, custard
Sip fluids with meals and throughout the day
Chew sugar-free gum to stimulate the flow of saliva

Living with cancer & its treatments can result in changes to lớn your bowel habits. This could be differences in the appearance, consistency, and/or the smell of your stools.


This is when your bowel motions are infrequent và difficult khổng lồ pass. It can be caused by different factors including regularly taking opioid medicines; having a diet low in fibre; not getting enough exercise; not having enough fluids khổng lồ drink (dehydration); or having a low overall food intake.

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Tips on how to lớn manage constipation:

Soften stools by drinking 8–10 glasses of fluid a day, e.g. Water, herbal tea, milk-based drinks, soup, prune juice
Eat foods high in fibre, e.g. Wholegrain breads, cereals or pasta; raw & unpeeled fruits và vegetables; nuts và seeds; legumes và pulses
If you are increasing the amount of fibre in your diet, increase fluids to prevent the extra fibre making constipation worse
Ask your doctor about using a laxative, stool softener and/or fibre supplement.Exercise – check with your doctor, exercise physiologist or physiotherapist about the amount & type of exercise that is right for you.


This means your bowel motions are watery, urgent và frequent. You may also get abdominal cramping, wind & pain. Frequent loose stools can occur because you are not digesting food or absorbing nutrients properly, cancer treatment, medicines, infections, reactions lớn certain foods và anxiety can all cause diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea can result in dehydration, so it’s important to stay hydrated by drinking extra fluids. Every time you have a loose bowel movement you should drink an extra cup of non-caffeinated fluid. If you have diarrhoea for several days, see your doctor so he/she can determine the cause và help to manage your diarrhoea.

Tips on how to lớn manage diarrhoea:

Drink plenty of fluids khổng lồ avoid becoming dehydrated. Water & diluted cordials are better than high-sugar drinks, alcohol, caffeinated fluids – remember signs of dehydration are smaller amounts of dark urine
Choose low-fibre foods, e.g. Bananas, mashed potato, rice, pasta, trắng bread, oats, steamed chicken without the skin, trắng fish.Avoid foods that increase bowel activity, e.g. Spicy, fatty or oily foods; caffeine; alcohol or artificial sweeteners.Try soy milk or lactose-free milk if you develop a temporary intolerance lớn milk (lactose)Don’t eat too many raw fruit & vegetable skins and wholegrain cereals as they may make diarrhoea worse
Avoid foods & drinks that are high in sugar, such as cordial, soft drinks & lolliesavoid foods sweetened with artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol, which are often marketed as ‘sugar-free’It may also help lớn eat small, frequent meals throughout the day, rather than three large meals.

Recovering from surgery

Surgeries used to lớn treat cancer may result in a variety of side effects, including weight loss và diarrhoea. The side effects usually only last for a short period of time, but you may have khổng lồ make some changes khổng lồ your diet to lớn ensure that you are getting enough nutrition and maintaining your weight.

Your toàn thân needs good nutrition after surgery & it is an important part of your recovery process. If you are struggling to lớn eat or drink, the hospital may prescribe nutrition supplements, or recommend tube feeding, lớn help you lớn maintain weight & provide you with the nutrients you need for speedy recovery.

Tips on maintaining weight after surgery:

Monitor your weight – weigh yourself once or twice a week khổng lồ monitor for any weight loss
If you are losing weight, tell your doctor & get a referral to lớn see a dietitian
Eat small, frequent meals after surgery so your digestive system only has to giảm giá khuyến mãi with a small amount of food at a time

We recognise that dietary changes have a huge impact on everyone with cancer. It can take a while lớn get used khổng lồ changes to lớn your diet & lifestyle, but finding ways to lớn manage your diet and symptoms can help you feel more in control. It can also be helpful khổng lồ speak lớn your dietitian, doctor or nurse. Alternatively, get in touch with our Pan
Support team if you have any questions relating lớn material on this page.

The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - nhị Phong International General Hospital.

Short bowel syndrome is a group of symptoms that occur after a patient has surgically removed part of the intestine, the rest has not been able lớn adapt khổng lồ ensure the function of the digestive system. Therefore, care and nutrition for patients with short bowel syndrome is extremely important to help patients recover quickly & still provide enough energy for the body.

Nutrition for patients with short bowel syndrome is extremely important, how to ensure enough energy for the body but still help the rest of the intestine to lớn recover & adapt after surgery. While waiting for the bowel lớn recover, you should follow the following nutrition guidelines for patients with short bowel syndrome:

When you have short bowel syndrome, it means that the rest of your intestines have not yet adapted khổng lồ ensure the function of the digestive system. Therefore, you need khổng lồ divide meals, so that the intestines can absorb nutrients from food. You should divide into 6-8 small meals during the day. Eating small, evenly spaced meals throughout the day will help relieve pressure on the remaining bowel and not strain the anastomosis. At the same time, meals with less food are also easier lớn digest & absorb faster, thereby reducing the symptoms of food stagnation in the intestinal lumen. In the process of eating, you should eat slowly và chew thoroughly, so that digestion and absorption in the intestines are easier. Once your gut has adapted, meaning that the symptoms of short bowel syndrome are reduced, you can slowly return khổng lồ the 3-meal-a-day diet.


Eating and drinking lots of liquids at the same time as meals will cause food to pass through the intestines faster, which means your intestines may not be able khổng lồ digest or absorb all of the nutrients. Therefore, the best way is that you should not drink more water during meals, because you also eat broth or water from other dishes such as pho, vermicelli, noodles,... Total amount of water you use in each meal. Meals other than dry food should not exceed 120ml (equivalent khổng lồ about 1/2 a bowl of rice). If you drink soup or soup with a meal, you should divide this amount of liquid evenly during the meal time, do not drink it all at once. MORE: How is short bowel syndrome treated?

3.1. Protein The average amount of protein for a person is 1 - 1.2g/kg body toàn thân weight/day. For example, a patient weighing 50kg will need 50-60g of protein/day. Of which, about 25-30g (50%) has been provided from cereals such as rice, bread,... So you need to provide about 25-30g more protein from protein-rich foods. On average, each 100g of protein-rich foods will provide 17-20g of protein. Thus, a patient weighing 50kg needs to lớn eat about 150-200g of lean meat or fish per day. Some foods rich in protein such as: Fish Poultry: Chicken, duck Beef, pork, sheep Eggs Tofu Dairy products such as milk, cheese Pureed peanut butter và other nut butters such as almond butter ..... 3.2. Carbohydrates are low in fiber or refined Carbohydrates usually 3d about một nửa of the calories in a daily diet. As a patient weighing about 50kg will need about 750kcal from carbohydrates, equivalent to about 3 bowls of rice per day. If the patient eats 6 small meals a day, then một nửa bowl of rice is enough for each meal. Some foods contain carbohydrates such as: trắng bread Cereals Peeled potatoes, sweet potatoes white rice Noodles, noodles, vermicelli. SEE ALSO: Consequences of short bowel syndrome


3.3. Moderate fat In case you have had your ileum removed, you should eat more fat in the morning & gradually reduce it at lunch and dinner. Some foods contain fat such as: Cooking oils Butter Mayonnaise Dipping sauces Cream sauces Salad dressings Example: You can địa chỉ cửa hàng a little butter on đứng top of bread or địa chỉ cửa hàng mayonnaise khổng lồ a salad . You shouldn't eat fried foods. 3.4. Eat less sugar You should practice the habit of eating not too sweet, và should not abuse artificial sweeteners in food processing. Some foods contain sugar, including: Sugar: Crackers, cakes, candy, chocolate, tea, milk tea, fruit juices Syrups Malt Honey 3.5. Choose fiber Fiber, especially insoluble fiber, doesn't digest & make stool bulkier, which can be dangerous when you're suffering from short bowel syndrome. Insoluble fiber is found in whole grains, brown rice, và vegetables. Soluble fiber is usually safer, because when entering the digestive system, they will khung a moderate mucus solution, which helps slow digestion, less pressure on your intestines. Some foods contain soluble fiber such as: Oats Barley Soy


Dried nuts Fruits Beans and seeds Jute Vegetables Spinach Fiber supplements - psyllium Foods low in soluble fiber such as: Wheat nuggets, rice nuggets, corn cereals and other grains. Trắng rice white bread, whole grain bread. Potatoes in water or mashed with skins removed Foods containing insoluble fiber lớn avoid include: Whole wheat bread, whole grain crackers, whole grains and other whole grain products. Wheat Whole grains. Fruit peels and seeds Dried fruits.

A person's daily water requirement is calculated by multiplying weight by 40ml. If you weigh 50kg, your daily water requirement will be 50 x 40ml = 2,000ml, equivalent to lớn about 8 glasses of 250ml water per day. This is the total amount of water taken into the body, including water provided through drinks và liquid foods such as soup, porridge. So you need lớn subtract all the water from the food khổng lồ know the amount of filtered water you need to drink every day. At the same time you also need khổng lồ avoid drinks that are too hot or too cold. These types of drinks are not good for your digestive system, especially when you are experiencing short bowel syndrome. You should also choose low-sugar drinks, this will help you reduce the risk of dehydration.


5.1. Limit lactose when lactose intolerant Lactose is a type of sugar commonly found in milk and dairy products. Symptoms of lactose intolerance such as bloating, gas, cramps, loose stools, pain in the anus, etc. These symptoms usually appear within 30 minutes of eating or drinking dairy products. Milk. If you have this condition, you should use dairy products that have had lactose removed. If you can eat yogurt, you can eat about 100ml/day. 5.2. Limit oxalate during ileostomy For patients who have had an ileostomy & with their large intestine intact, a low oxalate diet is recommended. Oxalates are found in many different foods and can cause kidney stones. You need lớn avoid high oxalate foods & drinks such as: Tea Coffee Carbonated soft drinks Chocolate Nuts Soybean products Green leafy vegetables Sweet potatoes Celery Strawberries Tangerine Rhubarb Wheat germ 5.3. How to lớn eat vegetables After surgery to remove part of your intestines, you will have difficulty digesting undercooked vegetables. You should eat soft cooked vegetables and at first you should only eat about một nửa bowl, then gradually increase, when eating, you need khổng lồ chew thoroughly.


If your digestive symptoms are not getting worse, you can gradually increase the amount of cooked vegetables in your diet. Once your gut is stable, you can try some raw vegetables. Vegetables that are generally well tolerated, you should choose such as: Carrots Spinach, spinach Red beets Peeled potatoes Asparagus tops Lettuce Peeled, seeded cucumbers Sauce seeds & peeled tomatoes Pumpkins, gourds và seeds removed Vegetables that can cause bloating or discomfort you should avoid include: Onions Broccoli, broccoli Cabbage Beans lượt thích lentils, chickpeas, red beans, lima beans Corn Kale Peas. >>See more: Nutrition therapy for short bowel syndrome in adult patients - Posted by Doctor Mai Vien Phuong - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Central Park International General Hospital

After surgery, your ability khổng lồ eat decreases, so you may need khổng lồ take an extra multivitamin a day lớn make sure you get enough micronutrients for your body. You should use a supplement with the right amount of micronutrients according to your needs. Depending on your specific condition, your doctor may recommend using a higher dose of certain vitamins & minerals, such as: When most of the ileum is removed, vi-ta-min A, D & E should be supplemented, so use water-soluble form. When removing the terminal ileum & colon, vi-ta-min B12 should be supplemented in the size of injections within 1-3 months.

When the ileum is removed, with the large intestine intact, the patient needs calcium supplements. Potassium is often deficient when the patient has severe diarrhea. The best way lớn supplement potassium is through foods such as potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, etc. Potassium supplements can cause side effects such as increased heart rate and cardiovascular risk, so Use only when prescribed by a doctor and under close supervision.

When you have loose stools several times a day, in addition khổng lồ dehydration, your body toàn thân may đại bại additional electrolytes such as sodium và potassium. At this point, you can buy rehydration và electrolyte solutions, then mix them according lớn the instructions, without a prescription. The total amount of water to lớn be replenished is equal lớn the amount of fluid lost. Cảnh báo that this rehydration solution is not the same as sports rehydration solution.

If you are losing weight, you can take a high-calorie nutritional supplement. You need to lớn consult your doctor or nutritionist before doing this. Since nutritional formulas have different ingredients, the choice must depend on the type of surgery, the type of metabolic disorder, and the type of malnutrition. You may be advised to take a special supplement that is low in sugar & has pre-digested ingredients khổng lồ make it easier for your body to absorb. Your doctor or dietitian may recommend medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), which is a type of fat that's easily digested & has extra calories. If you can't eat or drink nutritional formulas, try fortified milk. It helps increase the amount of calories & protein in your diet. How khổng lồ make fortified milk: phối 960ml fresh milk with 130 powdered milk (any milk lượt thích whole milk, 1%, 2% fat, skim milk). Set the above ingredients thoroughly, then place in the refrigerator.

The above mixture makes 4 servings of fortified milk, each time you drink 240ml. The nutritional value you get for each drink is: Whole milk: 230 calories & 16g protein 1% fat milk: 180 calories & 16g protein 2% fat milk: 200 calories and 16g protein Skimmed milk: 160 calories & 16g protein.

Keeping a daily food diary is very important, it is useful khổng lồ find out what foods are best for you. The food diary should contain the following information: Time of meals, snacks or drinks. Name of food và drink Amount of food và drink used. Symptoms encountered (if any). In case you have an ileostomy or have an ostomy, you need to lớn record the amount of stool you pass for 1 week. When the amount of stool is stable, there is no longer a difference between the days, then only need to record once a month, each time checking 1-2 days. This information you need to lớn bring with you when you return for a check-up.

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This article is written for readers from sài Gòn, Hà Nội, hồ nước Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.
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